Monday 2 January 2012

First Attempt

This is my first attempt at writing a flash fiction. I've decided to publish this on my blog for feedback so please add your comments. However harsh!!

Please follow me on twitter to RT this to win a £10 voucher and leave a comment!
Ends 20th Jan 2012

The Assassin

The tube was packed as always. I even had to queue to get on. At what point will it become too much and the archaic London Underground will no longer cope with the number of passengers. I squeezed myself into the carriage, my face instantly making contact with the armpit of an oversized city worker. I can’t even get a tissue out of my bag let alone read the paper. The train lurches forwards and I stagger slightly, smiling apologetically as I do.

Suddenly the man cries out and slumps down, only making it to a kneeling position, as the passengers part he’s lowered slowly to the floor, skimming down the tights of a well dressed lady. He lays there, still and silent, the crowd look on in stunned curiosity. Someone kneels beside him and cries out ‘he’s not breathing, help him’

The crowd animates and a young guy with floppy blond hair pushes through and starts checking the collapsed man. Blood is slowing oozing out across the floor, making its way towards my feet. I sidestep to avoid it.

The young guy stops and bows his head. ‘He’s dead’ he softly cries. The crowd gasps, some stare, some look away. ‘I think he’s been stabbed, the blood, there’s so much blood’

I realise that the train has stopped. The doors are wedged open, swiftly followed by a blast of warm, stale air. We are all told to stay where we were and wait. I was slightly agitated by these demands.

After a while, a policeman confirms the man has died. ‘It looks like the perpetrator was standing somewhere here’ he gestures wildly to the area of pooled blood. ‘We will need to speak to everyone here’

I’d been waiting about an hour before I was interviewed. ‘I didn’t see anything, I didn’t hear anything. Shocking how this could happen in such a close space’ I declared. ‘Yes, you could say I was standing close to him and I can’t believe this has happened’
Of course they checked in my bag, emptying the contents on the floor. Lipstick, tissues and looses sweets littered the floor. They took my details and moved on to the next passenger. I was left to pick up my things.

After a few more hours we are led away and I finally make my way out of the same station I had left earlier. My phone rings so I dig in my bag to answer it.

“He’s dead” I said, absently stroking the hidden pocket on my coat “It’s done”

“B..b..but I’ve changed my mind” came the weak reply.


  1. Oooo, I like it. Wasn't expecting the twisty ending, very sinister. I felt the tenses were a bit muddled in part (not sure if it was past or present) but that might be the way I read it. Some good imagery, could easily be the opening to a great novel. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Clever twist, I like it! Will follow and RT. Feel free to check out my blog and follow me on Twitter too., @52diets
    Happy new year!

  3. I like it! Will follow and RT @handbag2000 thanks for sharing

  4. Got me hooked on the last few sentences. Good twist. Will follow and retweet @bunnysideup. Good luck

  5. Oh yeah very intriging on the full story already a great twist :) will RT too @HannahBeadle

  6. Wow, well done I like thi twist.
    I'm following on Twitter and have retweeted.

  7. Lovely twist - I didn't see that coming! Have followed and retweeted as @beachrambler

  8. I did not see that one coming!
    Have followed and retweeted: @courtneeeeeeyxo

    1. Congrats you were picked as the winner. I will DM you on twitter to confirm.

  9. Brilliant, kept me hooked lol, you should make that into a longer story lol

  10. An engaging start to a book that leaves you wanting more ....
    Following on Twitter and have retweeted

  11. I enjoyed it. Flows easily, no excessive verbiage but just the right amount of necessary descriptive verbs. I could picture the scene without being annoyed by having it forced on me. Great twist at the end.

    Followed you on twitter and RTd as bev_metallica

  12. Wow, didn't see that coming. So many questions left unanswered, want to find out more now.
    Am following and have retweeted

  13. Yes - nice twist!
    Tweeted message as @gouldie7

  14. oh my god what a fantastic ending never saw it coming


  15. I love the way u describe the tube - sooo true! Following and RT @emzispeers

  16. yeah, i like your style - wish I could write but am probably best left as a reader :-)

  17. Wonderful !! I would read more of your stuff - following and RT x

  18. cool twist,have tweeted @gumbie23

  19. I love the style of writing, really good twist at the end

    thanks for running mel

  20. I always appreciate a twist, especially early on as it keeps me interested and provokes questions that need answering!

    Tweeting as @alicomps

  21. Very cool, I love the ending - what a horrific feeling to have changed your mind! There's some nice imagery, particularly at the beginning with the armpit comment, lol! You need a beta reader for punctuation and tenses, etc, but almost everyone does.

    Have tweeted as @Laura_Cookies!/Laura_Cookies/status/159519962401222656

    But can't find your twitter account to follow, what's the name of it? Thanks :)

  22. @needaphone SOunds very interesting I love things that hook me in and maintain my interest.

  23. Great twist! Would u consider turning it into a full novel? Have RT'd @manicmuriel

  24. Found the changes between present and past tenses a little off-putting.

  25. Have followed and RT'd. Good start of a novel but punctuation needs work as it's a bit off-putting, sorry...
